Heartwood Jarrah table

Medium: Jarrah

Size: 2.1m x 1.38m x 0.75m

Price: SOLD

Color :

Product Description

Medium: Jarrah

Size: 2.1m x 1.38m x 0.75m

Price: SOLD

This piece is a real crowd pleaser, drawing in everyone to take a second look. It honestly looks like someone has drawn chocolate swirls all over the top, the grain is so stunning.

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Metal and Glass

H: 95cm


Suitable for outdoors

Price on application


Size 1150 mm High x 1000mm wide x 500mm deep

Jarrah Curly Jarrah drawer fronts and carved handles which feature and contrast beautifully against the solid Sheoak carcass.

Jarrah Dual Slab Dining Table ft. designer base to compliment the natural edge colour and curves

Measurements: 3000 x 1200

PRICE: $12,500

Medium: Karri off a massive Karri tree covered in Burlwood growths. Size: 1300 x 800

Medium: Jarrah, Jarrah Burlwood, Stainless Steel and Blackbutt

Size: 2.1m x 0.87m x 0.77m

Price: $9,950


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Medium: Jarrah single slab off a very rare massive old growth Jarrah tree of which none of this size exist anymore.

Size: 3000 x 1650

Price: POA

Medium: Marri

Size: 2.7m x 1.15m

Price: $10,500 – SOLD

Medium: Jarrah and Blackbutt

Size: 2.4m x 1.2m x 0.75m

Price: $9,295 – SOLD

Medium: Jarrah, Burl & Blackbutt

Size: 2.68m x 1.2m – 1.1m wide

Price: $19,500 – SOLD

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