Jarrah Pinnacles Single stem Coat Rack

Jarrah Pinnacles Single stem Coat Rack

1650 High


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“Our Land Within”

by Lorraine Bawden

1220 x 600


Medium: Jarrah & Mallee Root

Size: 1.10m x 1.10m x 0.45m

Price: SOLD

Medium: Sheoak & Jarrah

Size: Diameter .90m x .45m

Price: $2,750 – SOLD

Medium Blackbutt Lounge Table

(Diameter 500mm x 600mm high)

Price – $950

Size : 500 x 500 x 650 high

Medium : Jarrah and Jarrah burlwood with Blackbutt Tree of Life inlay.

Price $5,750

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Inspired by the pinnacle growth rising out of the ground in Australia’s north, this Jarrah Coatrack/umbrella stand is a sculpture in itself ready to make a functional yet artistic statement in any entry way.

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