Marri Coffee Table

Marri Coffee Table

1100 x 660 x 450 high


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Medium: Blackboy/ Grass tree
Size: 30cm x 30cm x 15cm
Price: $889.00

Built in Marri doors with feature center panels horizontally bandsawed from old growth slabs

Beautiful handcrafted ceramic magpies.

$140 each

Medium: Recycled Metal Size: 0.47m x 0.29m x 0.20m

Medium: Marri (Redgum) Burlwood

Size: approx. 1.95m diameter

Price: SOLD

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Medium: Marri with Jarrah inlay

Size: 1.2m x 1.2m x 0.37m

Price: $3,300 – SOLD

Medium: Marri Size: 1.20m x 0.81m x 0.45m Our Marri Waterfall range are made from a carefully selected long, timber slabs. This enables us to fold the ends down and perfectly match the grain and natural edge down both sides.

Medium: Karri off a massive Karri tree covered in Burlwood growths. Size: 1300 x 800

Medium: Jarrah

Size: 1.3m x 0.75m x 0.45m

Price: $2,450

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