Marri Waterfall Resin Flow Coffee Table

Waterfall Range Marri Coffee Table, dual slab cut joined from one split slab and ressurected with epoxy resin to showcase the hollowed features.

Size 1200mm x 800mm x 450mm high

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Medium: Marri Size: 1.3m x 0.85m x 0.45m Description: Crafted on site. Solid Marri Feature Grain, natural edged Coffee Table on woolstore base.

Medium: Mangrove & Camphor Laurel
Size: 50cm x 30cm x 20cm
Price: SOLD

Medium: Jarrah

Size: 2.1m x 1m x .77m

Price: $16,900

Medium: Curly Jarrah and Glass

Size: 1.30m x 0.68m x 0.46m

Price: $2,550


Medium: Bronze

Size: 20cm x 9cm x 4.5cm

Price: $350.00


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Medium: Jarrah, Burl & B.Butt

Size: 1.4m x 0.80m x 0.45m

Price: $10,400 – SOLD

Medium: Karri off a massive Karri tree covered in Burlwood growths. Size: 1300 x 800

Medium: Huon Pine & Jarrah

Size: 1.4m x 0.75m x 0.38m

Price: $6,900 – SOLD

Medium: Marri Size: 1.20m x 0.81m x 0.45m Our Marri Waterfall range are made from a carefully selected long, timber slabs. This enables us to fold the ends down and perfectly match the grain and natural edge down both sides.

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