Outback Saw

“Outback Saw”

by Lorraine Bawden

1500 long


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Featuring Jarrah burl and bevelled edge glass panels set in a solid Jarrah Cabinet, a whopping 4m long and 2200mm high this commissioned piece turned out stunning.


Medium: Jarrah

Size: 1.5m x 1.0m x 0.75m

Price: $POA

Medium: Jarrah & Jarrah Burlwood

Size: 2.2m x 0.52m x 2.1m

Price: $32,500

Medium: Jarrah/Marri & Burlwood

Size: 1.6m x .6m x .42m

Marri $2,050

Jarrah $1,950

Medium: Jarrah Burlwood

Size: 2.1m x 1.4m

Medium: Sheoak

Size: 1.2m x .75m x .45m

Price: $3,150 – SOLD

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