Jarrah tear drop burl coffee table

Medium: Jarrah Burl & Mallee Root

Size: 1.6m x 1.04m x 0.45m

Price: SOLD

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Product Description

Medium: Jarrah Burl & Mallee Root

Size: 1.6m x 1.04m x 0.45m

Price: SOLD

Crafted on site, this stunning tear drop shaped Jarrah Burl is one of natures loveliest creations. It has lovely tonal changes throughout the burl and is simply stunning on its Mallee Root base. Well worth a look!

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$275.00 $199.00

Medium: Kiln Formed Glass Size: 29cm x 29cm x 4cm

Medium: Recycled Metal Size: 0.47m x 0.29m x 0.20m

Medium: Recycled Metal Size: 2.0m x 1.38m

Medium – Blackbutt and Eoxy Resin Feature.

Size – 3000 x 1500 x 750mm High.

Price – Sold ( POA).

Medium: Jarrah & Burlwood

Size: 1.0m x 0.50m x 2.15m

Price: $12500.00

Medium: Jarrah and Jarrah Burlwood

Size: 1.2m x 1.08m x 0.47m

Price: $3,300- Sold


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Price: SOLD

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Medium: 1.17m x 1.20m x 0.45m

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Medium: Jarrah and Jarrah Burlwood

Size: 1.2m x 1.08m x 0.47m

Price: $3,300- Sold


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